3 tips could save you thousands on your mortgage.

CONGRATULATIONS you’ve bought your dream home. Pretty soon you’ll settle into the routine of making a monthly payment…now it’s time to start thinking about ways to reduce that payment. Here are three strategies you can use to accomplish that goal. To give a little context and offer actual numbers let’s…

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How do I calculate my closing costs (without any math?)

If you take a look at my recent article 6 mistakes often made by the first time home buyer you’ll see that the most common mistakes revolve around underestimating the cost of buying a home. Even for the most experienced buyer some costs are difficult to pin down. Closing costs…

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6 mistakes people make when selling their home

We all make mistakes, if we’re lucky (and smart) we learn from our missteps and move on, a little older and a little wiser. Unfortunately when you’re selling a home simple mistakes can cost you thousands of dollars. Here are six common mistakes I see every day. Sentimental Feelings You…

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