5 great reasons to live in Calabasas

If you have watched any reality TV lately you have probably heard of Calabasas. What was once a sleepy little corner of the San Fernando Valley has become the must-live location for the rich, famous and infamous. These days everyone from the dreaded Kardashians to Drake to Justin Beiber call…

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Seven hidden benefits of buying a home

Buying a home, especially your first home, can be an excruciatingly difficult task. Somewhere between the mortgage, the credit checks and the moving expenses it’s easy to wonder “Is this really worth it?” It may not seem like at the time but owning a home has huge, sometimes hidden benefits…

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Southern California Real estate: what you get for $4 million.

One of my new listings is a breathtaking house nestled in the Calabasas countryside. It boasts a fascinating pedigree, plenty of land and spectacular views. A friend of mine (who doesn’t live in LA) asked me what you get for your money when you buy a house like this. His…

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7 tips to help you sell your home faster

Selling a home can be extremely stressful. And most sellers, understandably, want to sell their home as quickly as possible. It gets very tiring to keep a house looking its best 24/7. It’s also no fun having strangers walk through your private space (often critiquing your decorating choices). There are…

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