Get your home ready to sell.

If you’ve lived in your house for a while there are probably a few things that need to be repaired, or painted or just “spruced-up”. It’s natural. The world conspires to pull your house apart and you battle valiantly to keep it together. Usually these things can be tolerated but when you’re thinking of selling your home these are the little things that could make a big difference.

Here is a checklist of some of the most common issues that dissuade prospective buyers. Most of them are small items that are probably a part of your regular maintenance, but if they are not, grab that tool kit and mop and lets go.

The outside

You never get a second chance to make a first impression and nothing is more off putting to a buyer than a lack of “curb appeal”. Most buyers know if the property interests them within a few minutes of arriving at the house. A large part of that is how the place looks from the outside. Some of the things you will want to do are;

  • Reseal cracks in concrete areas.
  • Power-wash the exterior.
  • Clean and align gutters and downspouts.
  • Clean the chimney.
  • Remove oil stains from driveway and garage.
  • Sweep walks and driveway.
  • Wash windows.

Four simple things you can do to enhance that all important “Curb appeal”

Go green
I don’t have to tell you this do I? This is the very essence of curb appeal. There are few things more cost effective than planting a few flowers and sprucing up your lawn. I have had prospective buyers gasp when they saw the state of the front yard. And it’s more than just aesthetics, if I see a house with a poorly maintained yard I start to wonder how well the rest of the house is maintained.

Door appeal
The second thing visitors notice is your front door. Obviously it should be clean and well painted but it’s easy to take it to the next level by painting your door a bold bright color that contrasts or complements the house color. Most contractors will charge less than a hundred dollars to do it but this has got to be the easiest DIY job on the planet.

Mailbox makeover
Depending on wether your have a standing mailbox or one that it attached to the wall, it will cost somewhere between $50 and $200 to update. There is nothing better than a fresh “poppy” mailbox, it’s welcoming and brightens up a home and will add to the general flavor of the exterior.

Get out of the gutter
Clean freshly painted gutter are another sign that you are taking care of your house. Make sure they are free of debris and if they need to be scrubbed on the outside or even painted it’s a DIY job that pairs beautifully wit the door painting.

These changes may seem small and insignificant but taken together they will create the look of a home that has been loved and well taken care of.

Don’t make these six common mistakes when selling your house

The inside.

If you are showing a home please make an effort to keep the inside as clean and uncluttered as possible. You want your prospective buyers to be imagining how wonderful their lives would be in this place not how they would like to scrub the walls down and vacuum the carpets. I often suggest that my clients hire a professional “stager” to redesign the interior to show the house in it’s absolute best light. You would be amazed how little changes can up the desirability of a property. It may be a small investment of time and money that pays big dividends when it comes to generating offers.

Even if you don’t hire a professional please take a look at my interior checklist;

  • Thoroughly clean the interior.
  • Repair damage to all indoor surfaces.
  • Repair drippy faucets and showerheads.
  • Unclog slow drains.
  • Shampoo carpets.
  • Scrub and wax linoleum and wood floors.
  • Clean out the fireplace.
  • Mend torn screens.
  • Clean out window tracks.
  • Replace burned-out light bulbs.
  • Nail down creaking boards or stairs; lubricate squeaking doors.

Kitchen and bathrooms

The kitchen and bathrooms should get extra attention as they are often the places that get the most use. A great kitchen will often be the kicker that sells a house. You don’t want it to be the thing that makes your prospect think twice about saying yes.

  • Clean all appliances.
  • Replace toilet seats and shower curtains.
  • Clear away all cobwebs.
  • Wash all light switches, handrails and doorknobs.

It’s not rocket science, you want people to walk into your house and think “Wow, I wish I lived here” and anything you can do to put your best foot forward will pay off further down the road.

Get your home ready to sell
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Get your home ready to sell
A few simple fixes can make a huge difference when it comes time to sell your home
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Greg McComb Realtor
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