Learn about the neighborhood (BEFORE moving in)

There is nothing worse than buying your dream home and finding out, after you move in, that there are problems with the neighborhood. As more and more people do research on line I am seeing more examples of “buyers remorse”, not because of the house but because of the neighborhood…

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Don’t buy that house! (until you’ve checked these 3 points)

You would never buy a house without getting it professionally inspected first. Not only is it common sense but I, and any other reputable realtor, would insist on it. But it’s always a good idea to keep your eyes open for costly flaws from the very first viewing. If they…

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3 tips could save you thousands on your mortgage.

CONGRATULATIONS you’ve bought your dream home. Pretty soon you’ll settle into the routine of making a monthly payment…now it’s time to start thinking about ways to reduce that payment. Here are three strategies you can use to accomplish that goal. To give a little context and offer actual numbers let’s…

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How do I calculate my closing costs (without any math?)

If you take a look at my recent article 6 mistakes often made by the first time home buyer you’ll see that the most common mistakes revolve around underestimating the cost of buying a home. Even for the most experienced buyer some costs are difficult to pin down. Closing costs…

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